Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Ecuador IV

Hola everyone once again.
An abbreviated version of the Life of Haley.
I have one week left in cuenca before (fingers crossed) bopping off to the Galapagos, then meandering to Quito before flying to boston may 30th/31st, and arriving home to Maine June 2nd.
I will miss cuenca.  I've found a nice routine here, and Ecuadorian and gringo friends. Yesterday, after trying for two weeks, I finally started my volunteer work at an art school for mentally disabled people in a suburb of Cuenca. So now I have spanish class in the morning, lunch with Teresa or Emma or sola, and homework and volunteering in the afternoon. And tonight it's lady's night at a fancy bar before trying my salsa skills on the floor at THE salsa place in town. Gotta pack it all in before I pack my bags...  I still haven't been to the major museum here to see the indigenous displays and the shrunken heads. But it's on the list...
There is so much to report since last week...  the Salsa and Ceviche night with Teresa (Teresita!) et al, hiking with Emma to a wild and violent waterfall outside of Cuenca. Spanish lessons trip along rather well, but there's still so much to learn... 
Also, this happened: I was purified with an egg.

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